Blooming Marvellous Art Course

Blooming Marvellous Art Course
Welcome to my studio where we are going to use the four seasons to create mixed media paintings with flowers as the main subject. Within each “season”, I will be showing you several different techniques which I use when I paint. How I make my own collage paper, gelliprinting with acrylics, carving your own stamp design, creating drawn stamps and stencils of your own, how I use different mediums, my favourite art materials and how I draw flowers. I will be painting 9 different paintings and each season contains several hours of filmed teaching, adding up to over 11 hours of videos altogether.
I have included detailed supplies lists for each season and photos of the different flowers for you to download and print out.
Students will have access to a private Facebook group, where you can share your own work, and ask me questions - maybe the answers will help everybody.
“I very much enjoyed the seasonal floral subjects, which I’m still working through. Jacqui’s teaching style is relaxed but very informative and I particularly liked that she shared her creative thought processes. Absolutely loaded with techniques and probably the best instruction I’ve seen in the use of collage - particularly how to make the collage material integral to the design and not completely obliterated by gesso or pushed into the background. In fact, this course is so very generous in sharing a wide range of techniques - even creating stamps and stencils and then how to use them within the design. I also really enjoyed the wide range of media used - I’ve bought so many over the years and not really quite understood how to use them until now. The finished pieces all looked like works of art that could proudly be framed and displayed. This is definitely a course I will return to frequently.”
“Jag älskar Jacquis teknik och färger! Gick en onlinekurs 2016 och har vid två tillfällen varit med på kurser i Norrköping (en tillsammans med mitt barnbarn) och varit jättenöjd. Så när denna dök upp gick jag genast med. Det har jag inte ångrat!”
Kerstin Lindmark’s fantastic Amaryllis
A little info about the course…
The course is divided into four “seasons”, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Each season I have chosen a flower to work on – Spring Tulips, Summer Waterlilies, Autumn Sunflowers and Winter Amaryllis.
I use each “season” to introduce the student to different techniques, techniques I have used and developed as part of my style over the years. I go through different materials, paints, pencils and pastels, give tips on how to use them to their full potential.
Here are the lessons contained in the course, they add up to over 11 hours of video teaching:
Introduction - a little about me
Supplies - I look at what we are using
Spring Tulips
- Painting gessoed newspaper
- How I draw tulips
- Steps 1 – 7 – one painting with several different layers
- One last piece of advice
Summer Waterlilies
- Stamp – sketching up
- Stamp – carving
- Gelliprinting parts 1, 2 and 3
- steps 1- 8 – two paintings using gelliprints
Autumn Sunflowers
- making a stamp with Styrofoam
- making your own stencils
- steps 1 -6 – two paintings using the stamp and stencils
Winter Amaryllis
- drawing an amaryllis
- painting the collage paper
- steps 1 – 7 – three paintings in different techniques
Included are Supplies List PDFs for each of the “seasons”, even if I sometimes use the same colours or pencils in some of the projects. I give an explanation why I use certain brands, which I prefer, etc. but the student is by no means limited to my choices. I have also included personal flower photos – about 6-7 for each “season”, as PDFs for you to download and print out.
There will also be a private Facebook group for the course where you can share your work with each other and ask questions, should they arise – I will try and answer them so that hopefully others can be helped.